The purpose of the 65 Roses Car, Truck & Bike Show is to highlight Cystic Fibrosis and to donate to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to find a cure. Our ultimate goal is to further more research and treatments for the future.

The 65 Roses Car, Truck & Bike Show was founded by Cody Buckner and his passion for cars.

Cody was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at 9 yrs old - later than most people that have Cystic Fibrosis.

Cody started the 65 Roses Car, Truck & Bike Show back in 2016 alone, with Carrie Crouch joining in 2020 as his Vice President. Carrie has taken on a large role helping Cody in just about every aspect of each year's show, and if it wasn’t for her (and our great group of volunteers and helpers) the show may not have been able to continue. We all are truly thankful to everyone that not just attends and participates in the show, but our volunteers and helpers and all of our Sponsors that give so much to support the cause.

The first 65 Roses Car, Truck & Bike Show brought in 100 registrations and a few sponsorships. Fastforward to today, there are more then 40+ sponsorships from Bronze to Gold Level, which we are very humbled by - A big shout out to the sponsors! From the beginning of the show to last year, $95k has been raised.

All of the trophies are custom made, there will be no other trophies like this show has. We also take pride in the raffle prize offerings - there are multiple prizes for multiple interests that is why the show does am / pm raffles, if you think of it, it is probably up for a raffle prize. The raffles are one of the largest generation of funds to the CFF. The show offers multiple food vendors, reserved parking, by class parking, trailer parking and am/pm raffles. The show takes pride in highlighting local businesses - they are the backbone of the community.

The 65 Roses Car, Truck & Bike Show takes pride in promoting area businesses (check out our Calendar for the current show information & dates, and our Show Sponsors for more information about them as well).